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eu sunt fascinata de dinozauri..si vreau sa devin arheolog...si am deja 3 carti cu dinozauri!

Tyrannosaurus rex este o specie carnivoră de dinozauri. Înalt de până la 6 m şi cântărind mai mult decât un elefant african, Tyrannosaurus rex a fost una dintre cele mai înspăimântătoare fiinţe din Cretacic. Unii oameni de ştiinţă consideră că era prea greoi ca să sa vâneze şi că de fapt căuta cadavre pentru a se hrăni. Defapt, ca şi leii de aztăzi, probabil că Tyrannosaurus vîna şi consuma cadavre.

Se credea că acest dinozaur mergea în poziţie dreaptă când a fost descoperit prima oară, dar studiile din prezent au arătat că el de fapt mergea pe 2 picioare, dar nu în poziţie dreaptă.[necesită citare] Cel ce a demonstrat acest lucru, este posibil să fi demonstrat totodată că dacă Tyrannosaurus rex cade din picioare, era posibil să fi murit, deoarece avea mâinile foarte mici.

The first Centrosaurus remains were discovered by paleontologist Lawrence Lambe in strata along the Red Deer River in Alberta, Canada. Later, vast bonebeds of Centrosaurus were found in Dinosaur Provincial Park, also in Alberta. Some of these beds extend for hundreds of meters and contain thousands of individuals of all ages and all levels of completion. Scientists have speculated that the high density and number of individuals would be explained if they had perished while trying to cross a flooded river
The name Centrosaurus means "pointed lizard" (from Greek kentron/κεντρον = "point or prickle" + sauros/σαυρος = "lizard"), and refers to the series of small hornlets placed along the margin of the frill, not to the horn on its nose (which was unknown when the dinosaur was named). It is not to be confused with the stegosaur Kentrosaurus, whose name is derived from the same Greek word.

Psittacosaurus is not as familiar to the general public as its distant relative Triceratops but it is one of the most completely known dinosaur genera. Fossils of over 400 individuals have been collected so far, including many complete skeletons. Most different age classes are represented, from hatchling through to adult, which has allowed several detailed studies of Psittacosaurus growth rates and reproductive biology. The abundance of this dinosaur in the fossil record has led to its use as an index fossil for Early Cretaceous sediments of central Asia

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lalea 11 February 2010  
f frumoasa poza!
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